Nawal Zoghbi – The Phoenix Rises Again By Heba Bsat
It has been almost 3 years since Nawal Zoghbi’s last album, Khalas Sameht, and with her marriage and contract with Rotana broken up, people kept speculating what her upcoming album would be like. A lot were pessimistic stating that Nawal will never be who she was again, but others kept their hopes up expecting the best from their favorite artist. The wait was definitely worth it. Because the result was even better than anyone had suspected; it was simply IMPRESSIVE proving that Nawal Zoghbi is a phoenix that rises from its ashes every single time!
As always, Nawal Zoghbi manages to combine all styles of music in one album. It’s amazing the variety of dialects and styles found in “Ma3refsh Leih” making it one of her best albums so far! She manages to combine the romantic, the popular, and the terribly missed all in one album. Every track in the album has a special vibe – a special taste that allows it to be different from many albums that have been released recently.
The most jaw-dropping collaborations in the album are those with Fares Eskandar and Marwan Khoury that were able to resurrect the baladi/dabki genre in Nawal’s songs. They were able to return the luminous side of her voice in a style that we have missed her in – a style she has neglected since “Dal’ona”.”Alf W Miye” and”Ya Rayeh” remind us of Nawal in the 90s, but the modern arrangement found in those two songs make them more accessible to youngsters – they make them more hip – yet those two songs are presented in a terribly mature way that other artists fail to reach in baladi/dabki.
Her pop side was of course maintained yet brightened in her13th album with outstanding songs like “Ha2olak Eh”, “Ma3rafsh Leh”, and “Andak” where a glimpse of House music was introduced. The Egyptian pop is a style of music we are extremely used to when it comes to Nawal, she never fails to include her album with a bunch of these songs. However, something about the way the music was composed and arranged make them undoubtedly different from anything she has released before – definitely better.
My favorite song of all is “Goulaha”, the most romantic song I’ve heard in a really long time! Khaliji songs are always the most expressive when they are dealing with love and heartbreaks; they have a way of reaching way into your heart and giving you goosebumps all through the song. And that’s what “Goulaha” does. It ignites all sorts of emotions all through the 3-minute-running song. The music in that track are like pain-killers that enrich you with serenity every time you take them. They allow you to just relax as you enjoy the song. You can close your eyes, and “Goulaha” will take you to the prettiest of places!
“Lesh enta rafed nekoon ahbab?
Wa dom eedi f eedek w ma tkhaleene,
Talabtak bas 3ala 3ashani,
T7ebni l 7en w tehwani,
Goulaha, Same3ni sotak yal hanoon,
Kelmet habibi ma hi sa3ba la tkhaybha l zonoon,
7ot 3enek b 3eni, w gool a7ebek”
The bittersweet song in the album is by all means, “Hona L Qahera”. It’s quite ironic how Nawal recorded this song a while ago yet when she wanted to release the album, all hell broke loose in Egypt. The song starts off with samples of legendary songs performed by legendary artists like Um Kolthoom and AbdelHalim, and then Nawal dazzles us with the heart-wrenching lyrics of “Hona L Qahera”. This song is a reminder why Egypt and its people are so loved and respected all around the world. It’s a reminder that we should all support them in what they are doing because they deserve the best. “Hona L Qahera” is a salute and a tribute to every Egyptian with a free heart.
“Mashani 3al neel,
W kalamo gameel,
Khad ro7i ma3a w kaman albi,
Ya salam 3ala wa7ed dora mashwe,
Wel nesma li blt3ab bena,
Mosh 7a ykhassar abel ma nemshe,
Kobayet shay fel khamseena”
And who can forget the AMAZING “Yawm Li Meshe”? The incredible Marwan Khoury does it again! This song is resonated by Nawal’s soft side in a track about a heartbroken woman who wishes her man stood by her side instead of walking away. Once again, Khoury presents daring lyrics distinctive to him only reminding us why he’s such an remarkable composer! The first time you hear the song, you feel this sort of confusion because it’s how Nawal compliments yet attacks her lover that makes “Yawm Li Meshe” VERY unique! This track will forever be remembered as one of Nawal’s and Marwan’s best!
In “Ma3refsh Leih”, Nawal reminds everyone of her capabilities – of her well known potential. She reminds everyone why she has been here for 20 years and has always been a star – always been the DIVA. She reminds everyone that she’s a phoenix that manages to rise every time she falls… Welcome back Nawal!
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