Carole Samaha: The Resurrection of the Golden Age

When we as Arabs reflect back at “real” art, when we want to remember those incredible artists that change the way we looked at the Arabic.. we go back to Sabah, Fairooz, Abdelhalim, & Om Kolthoom. The one thing that our Arab pop culture supposedly misses today is that combination of a singer and an actor dissolved together to become one unforgettable LEGEND. But the truth is there’s one person who’s talented enough to revive that golden age. And her name is Carole Samaha.

It takes more than just talent to make a legend. It takes experience. It takes brains. It takes wisdom and intellect. And it takes courage. And with all the risks Carole is taking recently, and the way she’s pulling them off, she’s proving day after day that she’s a leader with the choices she’s taking. She’s proving day after day that this era does actually have its legend. She’s proving day after day that SHE is that legend !

A lot of artists climb up and many reach the top. They stay there, and they crown themselves the best out there. But there are others who reach the peak of their Everest and then set their eyes on new peaks – peaks that others fear to even think about. And that’s who Carole is.

Along with acting in one of the biggest series our Middle East has ever produced as one of the Lebanese Cedars, Sabouha, Carole is also working on releasing an all-oldies-hits album, Aghani Zaman, driving other artists to follow her foolishly believing they could walk in her footsteps. But that’s not all, behind that amazing actress and distinguished singer, there’s a also a newborn poet. And with the intellect and knowledge Carole has about the world and with her exceptional perceptions about it, no one is doubting that she’s going to blow everyone away reminding them that legends are rarely born and NEVER forgotten.

Carole Samaha is the resurrection of an era. She’s the resurrection of a trend that people thought was long gone. She’s a very concrete example that real artists are legends that carve their way into the world leaving their footsteps marked so no one would ever question their stardom. Carole Samaha is here to stay. Carole Samaha is here to blow you away. So if you’re thinking of competing with her, back out now. And if you’re thinking of following her, don’t – followers don’t last long and neither do haters.

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